Celina Fox

Celina Fox
Dr Celina Fox, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A. trained as a historian at Cambridge, Harvard and Oxford. She was keeper of art collections at the Museum of London where in 1982 she organized an exhibition with Professor Aileen Ribeiro on the eighteenth-century masquerade. In 1992 she organised the Metropole London exhibition staged at the Kulturstiftung Ruhr, Villa Hügel, Essen, the largest British loan exhibition ever staged in Germany. She also edited and was the main contributor to the catalogue of the exhibition, published in English the same year as London World City 1800–1840 by Yale University Press. She has served as a member of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s expert panel for museums, libraries, and archives and as vice chair of English Heritage’s Blue Plaque Panel. She has worked on museum developments in Russia and Germany and written articles and reviews for many publications.