Samuel N. Rosenberg

Author: Samuel N. Rosenberg
Samuel N. Rosenberg (A.B. 1957, Columbia College, and Ph.D. 1965, The Johns Hopkins University; Professor emeritus of French and Italian, Indiana University) is a medievalist whose interest in Old French literature is centered on textual edition and translation, primarily of lyric poetry and Arthurian narrative. Alone or in collaboration with other scholars, he has published numerous articles and books in these areas, including such works as Ami and Amile (1981, 1996) The Lyrics and Melodies of Gace Brulé (1985), The Monophonic Songs in the Roman de Fauvel (1991), Lancelot-Grail, The Old French Arthurian Vulgate in Translation (1993–96), Chansons des Trouvères (1995), Songs of the Troubadours and Trouvères (1997), Early French Tristan Poems (1998), Les Chansons de Colin Muset (2005), and The Old French Ballette (2006). He has recently accepted the position of editor for Encomia, the annual bulletin of the International Courtly Literature Society. His work with Patricia Terry on Lancelot and the Lord of the Distant Isles, or The Book of Galehaut Retold is his first venture into the writing of original narrative.