Benjy was, quite simply, never bad. In fact, he is the most unbearably good little boy it may ever be your misfortune to meet. He lived in a cozy little house with his dearest Mummy (and her diploma and cap and gown), Daddy (who spent his time playing cards in the back of the TV set), and Sid, the family airedale. He was never rude to his dear Mummy and always kissed his Daddy when he hurt him with building blocks. He played such nice, nice games that Sid moved out of the house into a box marked "refuse" in the backyard. All in all, the family was blissfully happy until a good fairy granted the ever-so-deserving little Benjy a wish. And the wish had some very unexpected results...
Benjy is a wickedly funny book about the pitfalls of being just too good, a ferocious and ferociously wonderful story for anyone—from the most precocious child to the most proper parent—to enjoy.