See our complete collection at $58.95 of the four-volume George Orwell Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters.
Until he was forced to flee Spain and return to London, George Orwell served with anti-Stalinist communist forces during the Spanish Civil War. Back in England, he was more convinced than ever of his pro-democratic Socialist beliefs and produced essays such as “My Country Right or Left” and “The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius.” This volume covers a formational period in Orwell's life—and a crucial period for the world's response to totalitarianism. Late in 1942, Orwell began regularly for the left-wing weekly Tribune and, early the next year began work on a new book called Animal Farm __________________________
"These four volumes might be the perfect tonic for what ails our society." —Franklin Freeman, America Magazine"While [Orwell] is best known for Animal Farm and 1984, most of his writing derived from his tireless work as a journalist, and thanks to David Godine’s welcome reissue of The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell, which has been out of print for a decade, readers can find it all in one place. All of the author’s insightful, hard-hitting essays and journalistic pieces are here…the most complete picture of the writer and man possible."—Eric Liebetrau, Kirkus Reviews