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My Shadow

My Shadow

by Robert Louis Stevenson
Illustrated by Glenna Lang

Regular price $17.95 USD
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ISBN: 978-0-87923-788-2
Pages: 32
Size: 8.26" x 11.4"
Published: November 2007
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Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic poem now vibrantly illustrated as a read-aloud picture book.

I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.

The poems in Robert Louis Stevenson’s collection, A Child’s Garden of Verses have been popular ever since the book’s first appearance more than one hundred years ago. None more so than “My Shadow,” a traditional favorite for reading aloud.

Illustrator Glenna Lang has created a visual narrative to accompany the poem as a young girl travels through a dream nightscape with her shadow companion. Beautifully true to the sense and spirit of Stevenson’s work, the illustrations add their own grace and rich atmosphere. The striking art style will captivate and delight readers of all ages.

This edition of My Shadow is a wonderful way to enjoy an old favorite bedtime poem with the youngest child.

Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson was a celebrity during his lifetime and remains one of the most widely read and translated authors in the world. His dozens of books include perennial classics such as Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses. Born in Scotland, he traveled extensively in Europe, America, and the South Pacific, adventures which feature prominently in his work. He died in Samoa at the age of forty-four.

Glenna Lang
Glenna Lang's previous work includes illustrations for four classic poems for children with Godine. She wrote and illustrated the award-winning Looking Out for Sarah. Although she grew up in New York City, she lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and teaches at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.