Anyone who has spent any time messing around with boats — wooden boats in particular — knows that those cunning curves, endless seams, and rotting wood hold more than practical challenges. All boats have histories, some more poignant than others, and few narratives of the past few decades have captured the mystique of a boat's provenance (in this case Chris Craft) or more touchingly depicted the ties that boats often create between father and son than this classic by Joe Soucheray.
Soucheray has met, in this book , the most demanding standard for any writer — the goal Joseph Conrad set for himself: 'to make you feel.' Soucheray sees extraordinarily revealing details, and he makes us see them in words that are vivid yet restrained. —Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Waterline is the perfect winter escape for the weather-bound boater and a memorable story. —Detroit News and Free Press