An alphabet book for that celebrates the birth of the United States of America. Wendell Minor’s bright illustrations and expressive prose introduce readers to the rich history behind the colonies and Revolutionary Era.
A is for “Acts,” the British tax that incited unrest amongst American patriots. Z is for “Zane,” the daughter of Patriot Colonel Zane, Elizabeth, who saves the day by delivering more gunpowder for the deprived troops at Fort Henry. In between, Paul Revere, Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant, the Boston Tea Party, and the Liberty Bell, and many more people, places, and events of the young America grace these pages. A chronological timeline at the end puts all the events in order.
In his introduction to this inventive look at Revolutionary America, Minor explains the importance of public houses—marked by graphically striking wooden signs. Inviting readers to "follow the signs along a colonial road during the years 1765 to 1783," Minor presents an alphabetically arranged series of handsome, period oil paintings on wood, shaped like the public house signs. Accompanying the signs, he offers succinct nuggets of information about influential individuals, key sites , vital symbols, and locations of crucial events in the war. Though the volume's A to Z format requires a sequence that is not necessarily chronological, a concise timeline of significant dates sets the contents of this creative compendium in the proper context. —Publishers Weekly
Covering aspects of the Revolution from the Stamp Act to the Old North Church to the X Regiment and Elizabeth Zane, this visually arresting treatment acts as an engrossing introduction to some of the people, places, and events that figured in America's fight for independence. The factual material is correct, clearly stated, and intriguing, leading students on to more detailed treatments of the American Revolution. [A] riveting visual introduction to the Revolutionary War. —School Library Journal
What a rousing original book this is. I love it. —David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize winning author of 1776 and John Adams